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We are a group that specializes in architectural design, landscaping, which generates creative, authentic and innovative solutions for our clients.

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MID is a group of professional designers

We seek to generate innovative, high-quality and economically viable architectural and construction proposals.

We offer personalized, effective and comprehensive service.

We specialize in a variety of project designs: from single-family homes and commercial premises, to large-scale projects such as parks, buildings or residential complexes.

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La Bocana

Francisco de  Orellana, Ecuador

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Arch. Andrés Celi

Planning Director

Arq. Daniel Naranjo - Arquitecto.png

Arch. Daniel Naranjo


Arq. Carla Perez - Arquitecta interiorismo_.png

Arch. Carla Perez

Interior Design Architect

Ing. Nestor Espinoza - Ing. Civil_.png

Eng. Nestor Espinoza

Civil Engineer

Arq. Jean Françoi - Arquitecto.png

Arch. Jean Françoi


Arq. Jose Romero - Arquitecto.png

Arch. Jose Barzallo


Arq. Maya Vizuete - Arquitecta presupuestos.png

Arch. Maya Vizuete

Budget Architect

David de los Reyes - Experto en Drones_.png

David de los Reyes

Drone Expert

Ing. Edison Diaz -  Ing. Hidráulico.png

Eng. Edison Diaz

Hydraulic Engineer

Ing. Ivan Montalvo - Ing. Eléctrico.png

Eng. Ivan Montalvo

Electric Engineer

Ing. Juan Batalla - Ambiental.png

Eng. Juan Batallas

Environmental Engineer


Arch. Matias

Irrgang Dazzini

Manager at MID construction Firm

As an architect with experience in design, planning and construction, and as manager of the MID construction company, he has stood out in the search for architecture that adequately relates and tends to the balance between the social, economic and environmental aspects of modern society.

He has experience in public projects such as parks and urban interventions, and private projects such as sports complexes, homes, hotels, restaurants, commercial premises, among others using plans that harmoniously unite traditional and avant-garde architecture. He has envisioned successful projects with design, affordability and feasibility that are convenient for the client through effective communication and teamwork with a well-organized development and planning team. He has created successful design projects, taking into account affordable pricing the viability of his constructions.

Matias is driven by responsibility, empathy, innovation, creativity and the incorporation of new construction techniques, he is constantly striving to explore and unearth the essence of modern Ecuadorian architecture.

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