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La Familia Natural Park

Latacunga, Cotopaxi

Design: Arch. Mónica Dazzini, Arch. Matias Irrgang, Arch. Mayra Vizuete, Arch. Ana María Álvarez, Arch. Alexandra Almeida, Arch. José Luis Romero.
Collaborators: Galo Chiriboga, Eng. Iván Delgado, Eng. Juan Batalla, Eng. Paul Villavicencio.
Architectural Visual: Arch. José Luis Romero, Arch. Matias Irrgang
Year: 2020
Area:  83 540m²
Use: Parque Ecológico
City: Latacunga, Cotopaxi
Country: Ecuador

Restoration of the ecological system of the Latacunga wetland in the central alley of Ecuadorian volcanoes.

The Latacunga Family Park project has social and recreational areas for the community. It also uses various strategies for the restoration of the wetland ecosystem. There are two areas with different levels of accessibility and restoration in order to promote environmental education and appreciation of the territory and the culture of the communities of the area. In addition, spaces are defined for recreation for the inhabitants of the city of Latacunga and surrounding communities.

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Likewise, the layout of the trails constitutes a system that weaves the landscape with specific recreational activities. When it runs over wetland restoration areas, it becomes a system of observation trails and passive activities. It seeks to regulate the carrying capacity of the Family Park by creating different trails with varied limits in capacity, incorporating visual and artistic communication strategies to the environmental education process.

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